At Risk Kids

At Risk Kids Outreach

The program is dedicated to serving Pickens County’s most vulnerable kids by providing meals over the weekend, clothing, school supplies and blankets.

For further information email

Bags of Blessing

Chet & Kathy Rowan

 Bags of Blessings food pantry is open the first Friday of the month from 11am-12pm and the third Monday of the month from 4pm-5pm. If you need help feeding your family or if you know someone in need, we want to help. For a food delivery contact Chet Rowan 864-561-4645



Rhonda Lance

Operation Christmas Child is a program in which our church partners with Samaritan’s Purse to collect items year round to send to children in need all over the world. At the end of the collection process there is a church-wide packing party so everyone has an opportunity to be involved. 


Good News Club

Sharon Blair

Meets every Tuesday from 2pm-4pm, September through March at McKissick Elementary. Those helping must be approved through CEF. We meet to share the Good News of Jesus with kids aged 5-10 in a VBS style every week through Bible lessons, songs, and games.